a professional manufacturer of pharmaceutical intermediates
located in southeast of China
welcoming you to our site
Address: Zibu Fine Chemical Industry Park, Wannian, Jiangxi 335504, China
Phone: +86-793-3855607 / 3855608
Fax: +86-793-3855670
E-mail: hengfeng@hi2000.com
Thank you for visiting our company website. If you have any suggestion or enquiry, please feel free to contact us.
Jiangxi Hengxiang Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: Zibu Fine Chemical Industry Park, Wannian,
Jiangxi 335504, China
Phone: +86-793-3855607 / 3855608
Fax: +86-793-3855670
E-mail: hengfeng@hi2000.com
URL: m.qqzy360.com